
In many Bayesian computations, we first obtain the expression of the joint distribution of all the unknown variables given the observed data. In general, this expression is not separable in those variables. Thus, obtaining the marginals for each variable and computing the expectations is difficult and costly. This problem becomes even more difficult in high dimensional quandaries, which is an important issue in inverse problems. We may then try to propose a surrogate expression with which we can carry out approximate computations. Often, a separable expression approximation can be useful enough. The variational Bayesian approximation (VBA) is a technique that approximates the joint distribution p with an easier, for example separable, distribution q by minimizing the Kullback–Leibler divergence KL(q|p). When q is separable in all the variables, the approximation is also called the mean field approximation (MFA), and so q is the product of the approximated marginals. A first standard and general algorithm is the alternate optimization of KL(q|p) with respect to qi. A second general approach is its optimization in the Riemannian manifold. However, in this paper, for practical reasons, we consider the case where p is in the exponential family and so is q. For this case, KL(q|p) becomes a function of the parameters θ of the exponential family. Then, we can use any other optimization algorithm to obtain those parameters. In this paper, we compare three optimization algorithms, namely a standard alternate optimization, a gradient-based algorithm and a natural gradient algorithm, and study their relative performances in three examples.

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