
In order to understand the ecological impact of the rehabilitation of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University Campus on the bird community, a study was carried out over two months (October-November 2016). The ornithological inventory carried out by the IPA method in five different habitats identified on the campus gave a total species richness of 51 bird species of 41 genera, 27 families and 13 orders for 1374 birds, with H' = 2.93 and J = 0.74. Five species dominate the population (819 individuals, Fr = 59, 61%). These are Bubulcus ibis (9.32 %), Apus affinis (8.95 %), Corvus albus (19.94 %), Ploceus cucullatus (10.48 %), Lonchura cucullata (10.92 %). The most diversified habitat is the Habitations (26 bird species), while the most abundant is the Brush (416 individuals). Only seven species are common to all sampled habitats. Thus, 12 species observed on campus formerly could not be observed during the present study. Similarly, 18 species observed in this study were not observed in the previous study. The profound transformation of the environment following the rehabilitation has led to a slight increase in diversity but a significant drop in numbers. It is therefore important to better understand the different interactions between the components of the habitat and the various species involved. Such data would be crucial in urban planning policies.

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