
We measured the variation of magnetic and electrostatic fluctuations observed during the gas puffing in the edge region of the toroidal pinch experiment–reversed experiment (TPE–RX) reversed-field pinch plasma. In the short period in which the electron density increased slowly just after the gas puffing, the confinement of fast electrons in the core region was maintained by the decrease in the fast radial magnetic fluctuation with the deepening of the reversal of the toroidal field. During the following period in which the electron density increased rapidly, the radial gradient of electron density decreased, and the loss of fast electrons from the core region increased owing to the increase in the toroidal and radial magnetic fluctuations in the high-frequency band, although the poloidal magnetic fluctuation decreased. Therefore, the confinement of fast electrons would be maintained by keeping the radial gradient of plasma thermal pressure with a moderate neutral particle supply of small quantity in a sho...

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