
Interaction between single molecule magnets (SMMs) and metal surface is a hot topic promising controllable deposition of SMMs, programmable frequency of magnetic relaxation and addressed reading of information. In this paper, we develop strategy of the Er3+ based SMM functionalization by its penetration inside the arrays of Ferromagnetic Micro Particles (FMPs). We show that predictable residual magnetic field of the FMPs arrays is an effective tool for regulation of the frequency maximum of imaginary magnetic susceptibility. We analyzed color of magnetic noise in respect to physical origin of magnetic relaxation. An additional channel for control over spin noise is formation of chemical bonds between SMM and the FMPs surface. Oxidation of an Er complex transforms 20 ± 5 % of the initial 10-coordinated SMM complex to the 9-coordinated complex with reduced relaxation time. Memorized residual magnetization of the composite material allows one to set desirable relaxation frequency in the individual micronized cells to create a sound frequency register. The proposed compaction of SMMs of different types in ferromagnetic composites provides engineering of the chemically designed spin interface on ferromagnetic surface for spintronics and quantum computing.

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