
A series of experiments were carried out on Pinus contorta Dougl. in Scotland to establish if there were any inter-provenance differences in suitability to three major forest pests: the pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea (D and S) (Lep., Noctuidae), the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer(Geoff.) (Hym., Diprionidae), and the larch bud moth Zeiraphera diniana Guennée (Lep., Tortricidae). There were significant differences in the survival, weight, and development time of P. flammea on different provenances of seedling logepole pine. Southern interior lodgepole pine (ILP) proved to be the most resistant provenance. Larvae performed significantly better on Alaskan lodgepole pine (ALP) and Skeena River lodgepole pine (ELP). Panolis flammea larvae showed significant feeding preference for certain provenances of mature lodgepole pine, with ILP being preferred to ALP, north coastal lodgepole pine, and Scots pine. There were significant differences in the mean relative growth rate of N. sertifer on different provenances of seedling and mature trees. ALP was the most resistant provenance among seedling trees, but the least resistant among mature trees. There were also significant differences in survival on foliage from mature provenances. There were no significant differences in survival of second instar Z. diniana on different provenances of mature lodgepole pine.

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