
Boreal watersheds contain a vast quantity of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) originating from wetland and forest soils, yet variation in the potential for photochemical transformation of boreal aquatic DOM sources remains poorly understood. Laboratory solar radiation exposure experiments were conducted on DOM samples collected in three seasons, across nine sites, representing contrasting catchment composition and watershed position to assess variation in the photochemical lability of boreal DOM source and stable carbon isotopic signature (δ13C) of photomineralized DOM. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) loss rates during laboratory exposure were lowest in summer, suggesting that DOM may have been more photo-degraded during summer. DOM from upstream portions of forested stream sites and wetland-influenced sites was more photolabile relative to downstream portions and the river DOM, suggesting potential losses in photolabile DOM downstream and in the lower reaches of the watershed. Increased a254:a350 and spectral slope following sample exposure suggest photoproduction of low molecular weight (LMW) CDOM and/or a higher photoreactivity of high molecular weight versus LMW compounds. Photomineralization of nitrogen was regulated by organic nitrogen concentration and resulted in NH4 +-photoproduction rates between 0.01 and 0.3 µM N h−1 and ecologically significant increases in NH4 + for these waters. The δ13C of the photomineralized DOM was positively correlated to initial DOC concentration and generally lower when initial DOC concentrations were lower, suggesting variation in photomineralized DOM δ13C may be a result of kinetic isotope fractionation. Results from this study demonstrate significant variation in the photochemical lability of boreal watershed sources of DOM. Such variation suggests landscape and environmental change has the potential to alter the biogeochemical role photochemical transformations play in downstream portions of boreal watersheds.

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