
Ten Friesian dairy cows were fitted on the neck with a Walker pedometer to evaluate the pedometer as a low-cost means of recording grazing bite number, and a Vibrarecorder for comparison and to evaluate the between-cow and between-day coefficients of variation (CV) of grazing bouts, in order to evolve an optimum recording strategy. The total number of daily bouts averaged 5.01 with a mean duration of 1.85 h, giving a total grazing time of 9.27 h per cow per day. The grazing time recorded by the Virarecorders was generally linearly related to total daily bites recorded by the pedometers, although in some cases a quadratic function was significant which was assumed to arise from variation in the biting rate at high grazing times. The between-cow CV of daily grazing time was greater than the between-day CV, but at certain times of the day, particularly at night, the between-day CV was very high. More variation occurred in grazing bout duration than bout number and the variation in total bite number tended to be greater than grazing time.

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