
Eucalyptus flocktoniae is considered to be a complex distinguished within EucalyptusseriesSubulatae by decurrent juvenile leaves and glossyadult leaves. The geographical range of E. flocktoniae(Maiden) Maiden was examined to quantify the patterns of variation in bothadult and seedling morphology. The putatively related speciesE. aspersa Brooker & Hopper,E. cooperiana F.Muell.,E. socialis F.Muell. exMiq.,E. transcontinentalis Maiden sens.lat.and E. yumbarrana Boomsma werealso studied to assess similarity and relationships toE. flocktoniae sens. lat. Phenetic analysis of adult andjuvenile data sets (46 and 21 characters, respectively) indicated that theE. flocktoniae complex consisted of five distinct taxa,distinguishable from one another in habit, branchlet pruinosity, leaf colourand gloss, inflorescence pruinosity, umbellaster orientation, bud size andornamentation, and fruit shape and ornamentation. These taxa areE. flocktoniae subsp. flocktoniae,here redefined, as restricted to between Three Springs and the Oldfield Riverin Western Australia (WA); subsp. hebes Nicolle subsp.nov. from Balladonia to north-east of Ravensthorpe, WA;E. neutra Nicolle sp. nov., from the south-centralwheatbelt of WA; E. peninsularis Nicolle sp. nov. fromlower Eyre Peninsula in SA; and E. urna Nicolle sp.nov., a common and widespread species between Kondinin and Caiguna in WA. Akey and distribution maps are provided for taxa of theE. flocktoniae complex.

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