
The present study was conducted to estimate soil carbon stock in various Land-use systems viz., grassland, pine forest, apple orchard and walnut orchard in the Shopian district of Kashmir valley. Soil sampling was done by nested plot design method. Soil organic carbon was measured at two depths (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm). A total of 24 soil samples from each landuse with 09 composite samples were collected by laying down plots of 40m × 5m size. The overall mean soil organic carbon stocks varied from highest of (45.20 ± 12.11 Mgha<SUP>-1</SUP>) in Pine forest to lowest of (33.2 ± 8.36 Mgha<SUP>-1</SUP>) in grassland. Depth wise mean range of soil organic carbon (SOC) stock varied from 3.25 × 1.51 in pine forest to 3.10 × 0.09 Mg C ha<SUP>-1</SUP in walnut orchard at 0-30 cm, respectively. The values ofSOC (%) showed the decreasing trend with an increase in soil depth. The proportion of soil texture was sand > silt > clay in two land use systems viz., pine forest and apple orchard. The concentration of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks varies in accordance to the type of land use, the inputs to the soil, and natural factors including climate and vegetation.

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