
Recent research has emphasized the importance of investigating the reaction norms of quantitative traits to understand evolution in natural environments. In this study, genetic differences in reaction norms among eight populations of the grass Bouteloua rigidiseta were examined using clonal replicates of genotypes planted in a common garden with two levels of competition (single B. rigidiseta without competition and single B. rigidiseta surrounded by four Erioneuron pilosum). The populations were found to be genetically differentiated for a variety of traits. Differences in reaction norms of size-specific fecundity (spikelet clusters per tiller number) were detected among the populations: some showed little response to competition; in others size-specific fecundity was much greater in the absence of competition. This divergence in reaction norms among these populations may be the result of past selection (including the cost of plasticity), or genetic drift.

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