
Colonies of Botrytis cinerea were obtained from spore samplers placed inside and outside a glasshouse with a rose crop. Pure cultures were made from five colonies collected on one sampling date every month throughout the year. These isolates were tested for germination on water agar and for pathogenicity on gerbera and rose petals. The germination rate of the conidia on water agar varied between 60 and 99%. Pathogenicity of the isolates on gerbera and rose flowers ranged from 14 to 166% relative to reference isolate Bc16 and varied among isolates collected on the same day as much as among isolates collected in different months. The pathogenicity of the isolates on rose flowers was overall higher than on gerbera flowers. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was performed on 30 selected isolates with different relative pathogenicity, collected both inside and outside the glasshouse. Almost all of the isolates were genetically different. No correlation was found among pathogenicity, sampling time, sampling place, and RAPD patterns. Results are further evidence for the statement that B. cinerea inoculum in glasshouses continuously originates from many different sources in their vicinity.

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