
Variation in P Resorption Effeciency and Proficiency in Cornus mass L. Leaves according to Leaf Location and Traffic-based Pollution This study aimed to determine the variation in P resorption effeciency and proficiency in Cornus mass L. (cornelian cherry) leaves according to leaf location and traffic-based pollution. The study was carried out in Duragan, Sinop, which is famous with quality cornelian cherry fruits. Leaf samples were collected from two different C. mass orchards by considering leaf location and traffic-based pollution. The microwave method was applied for leaf sample dissolution and P concentrations were determined by ultra-violet spectrophotometric method as mg g -1 dry weight. Results showed that differences in P concentration according to leaf location were only significant in green leaves. A significant variation was found in P concentration only in away green leaves from fruit between polluted and unpolluted leaves. Except that of polluted away leaves from fruit, differences in P concentrations between green and senescent leaves were significant in other type of leaves. Both in polluted and unpolluted leaves, differences in PRE values between close leaves to fruit and away leaves from fruit were not significant. PRP didn’t significantly vary according to any of the parameters. C. mass leaves efficienctly use P while their P resorption proficiency was low. It was determined that half of the P content in C. mass leaves was reabsorbed from senescent leaves. Cornus mass L. Yapraklarinda P Geri Emilim Verimliligi ve Yeterliliginin Yaprak Yeri ve Trafik Kaynakli Kirlilige Bagli Degisimi Bu calismada, Cornus mass L. yapraklarinda P geri emilim verimliligi ve yeterliliginin yaprak yeri ve trafik kaynakli kirlilige bagli olarak degisiminin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Calisma, kaliteli kizilcik meyveleri ile unlu olan Sinop, Duragan’da gerceklestirilmistir. Yaprak ornekleri yaprak yeri ve trafik kaynakli kirlilik goz onunde bulundurulmak suretiyle iki farkli kizilcik bahcesinden toplanmistir. Yaprak ornekleri mikrodalga yontemi ile cozuldukten sonra P konsantrasyonlari UV spektrofotometre ile mg g -1 kuru agirlik cinsinden belirlenmistir. Sonuclar, fosfor konsantrasyonunda yaprak yerine bagli olarak gozlenen farkliligin yalnizca yesil yapraklarda onemli oldugunu gostermistir. Kirlenmis ve kirlenmemis yapraklar arasinda sadece meyveden uzak yapraklarda gozlenen P konsantrasyonundaki varyasyonun onemli oldugu belirlenmistir. Kirlenmis meyveden uzak yapraklar haric, diger tum yaprak tiplerinde yesil ve senesens yapraklarin P konsantrasyonlari arasindaki farklilik onemlidir. Hem kirlenmis hem de kirlenmemis yapraklarda PRE’de meyveye yakin ve meyveye uzak yapraklar arasinda gozlenen farklilik onemli degildir. PRP hicbir parametreye bagli olarak onemli bir degisim gostermemistir. P geri emilim yeterlilikleri dusuk olmasina karsin C. mass yapraklarinda P verimli bir sekilde kullanilmistir. Senesens C. mass yapraklarindaki fosforun yarisinin geri emildigi belirlenmistir.

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