
: Life history parameters (growth pattern, the length of the spawningseason and age at sexual maturity) of Apogon lineatus wereinvestigated from three localities in Japan. The maximum ages werefound to be 3 years in Tokyo Bay, 2 years in Osaka Bay and 5 yearsoff Niigata Prefecture. Both sexes from Tokyo Bay grew to largersizes between the ages of 1 and 2 years than both sexes from otherlocalities, food availability being suggested as the major factorfor differences in growth. Spawning seasons were during 4 months(July–October) in Tokyo Bay and Osaka Bay, but were foundto only occur during the two months of July and August off NiigataPrefecture. Factors that could limit the spawning season off NiigataPrefecture were not determined. Age at maturity for both sexes inall localities appeared to be 1 year. We could not elucidate whetherthese variations in life history parameters arose from genetic differencesor from phenotypic plasticity. In either case, the trade-off betweenthe maximum age and the length of the spawning season in the offNiigata Prefecture population and any other population may be interpretedas an adaptation to local conditions, such as with the off NiigataPrefecture population.

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