
Summary This paper describes the findings from two series of observations on variation in C. austropalpalis L. and R. In Series I the distribution of head capsule lengths of 174 larvae, collected from 11 breeding sites in S.E. Queensland, was polymodal. Polymodality was also shown by the wing lengths of 15♂, 27♀ reared from 7 of the sites. In Series II the head lengths of 302 larvae from 5 sites (one not in Series I) gave the same polymodality, interpreted as representing 3rd and 4th instars of two forms A (smaller) and B (larger). 276 of these larvae, grouped on head length, were reared on agar and small nematodes, producing 62♂, 70♀ C. austropalpalis and 13♂, 5♀ C. narrabeenensis. The latter was not the cause of the polymodality. Adult wing lengths were bimodal in each sex. Form B was longer winged than form A. Within each form there was no significant correlation between larval head length and adult wing length. Only one of the many additional characters (19 in ♀; 22 in ♂) examined, differed between th...

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