
Ten multiparous crossbred goats, five each of alpine × beetal (AB) and saanen × beetal (SB) were selected from the National Dairy Research Institute goat herd immediately after parturition. These were managed as per the practices followed in the institute’s goatherd. Blood and milk samples were collected at biweekly intervals from day 14 post-kidding for 22 weeks (154 days). Somatic cell count, electrical conductivity, fat, protein and lactose contents of milk were determined using standard methods. In the blood samples total leucocytes and differential leucocytes were also determined. Somatic cell counts were high immediately after parturition on day 14 of lactation and declined gradually with advanced lactation. There were individual variations ( P < 0.01) in somatic cell counts between different lactation periods. Somatic cell count of milk was negatively correlated with neutrophils only ( P < 0.05) and was neither correlated with milk yield, or with fat, protein, lactose content of milk. Electrical conductivity of milk was low up to four weeks of lactation and thereafter increased as the lactation advanced. Lactose content of milk declined gradually with the advancement of lactation. Fat content of milk was stable up to the eighth week and thereafter increased with advancement of lactation while the protein content of milk did not change significantly during lactation.

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