
The study of mould spores is of major importance as many fungi can cause considerable economic losses worldwide acting as plant pathogens or triggering respiratory diseases and allergenic processes in humans. Knowledge of spore production relationships to different altitudes or weather patterns can be applied in a more efficient and reliable use of pesticides or improving diagnosis and treatment of respiratory allergic diseases. In this way monitoring of Cladosporium cladosporioides, C. herbarum and Alternaria spp. airborne spores during 2002 was carried out by means of three LANZONI VPPS 2000 pollen traps located in areas of north-west Spain at various altitudes and with various weather patterns. High spore counts were recorded in the late summer and early autumn, with a fairly similar hourly spore-count pattern, increasing the concentrations in the late evening (7-10 p.m.). High spore concentrations were detected in inland rural areas in front of coastal ones. As the continentality index increased, C. cladosporioides spore concentrations rose and Alternaria declined. C. herbarum concentrations increased with increasing height above sea level. The weather factor displaying the strongest positive correlation with mean daily spore counts was temperature. The optimal conditions for high airborne spore concentrations were recorded at temperatures ranging from 23-29 degrees C and RH values of around 80%, followed rapidly by rainfall in Vigo and Ourense and preceded by heavy rain two days prior to recording peak values in Trives.

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