
We investigate the smoothness properties of local solutions of the nonlinear Stokes problem$\begin{eqnarray*}-\diverg \{T(\eps(v))\} + \nabla \pi &=& g \msp \mbox{on $\Omega$,}\\\diverg v&\equiv & 0 \msp \mbox{on $\Omega$,}\end{eqnarray*}$where v: Ω → ℝn is the velocity field, $\pi$: Ω → ℝ$ denotes the pressure function, and g: Ω → ℝn represents a system of volume forces, Ω denoting an open subset of ℝn. The tensor T is assumed to be the gradient of some potential f acting on symmetric matrices. Our main hypothesis imposed on f is the existence of exponents 1 < p ≤ q < \infty such that\lambda (1+|\eps|^{2})^{\frac{p-2}{2}} |\sigma|^{2} \leq D^{2}f(\eps)(\sigma ,\sigma) \leq \Lambda (1+|\eps|^{2})^{\frac{q-2}{2}} |\sigma|^{2}holds with suitable constants λ, Λ > 0, i.e. the potential f is of anisotropic power growth. Under natural assumptions on p and q we prove that velocity fields from the space W 1 p, loc (Ω;ℝn) are of class C 1,α on an open subset of Ω with full measure. If n = 2, then the set of interior singularities is empty.

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