
The Fundament of the Mass and the new theory and formula of the Variant Mass for a particle in Gravitation is presented at this research. Albert Einstein wrote in a research article: “Does the inertia of a body depend on its energy content?” (Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seimen Energienhalt abhängig?): “If a body emits energy E in the form of radiation, its mass decreases by E/ c2. The fact that the energy that leaves from the body is converted into radiation energy makes no difference, so the more general conclusion is reached that the mass of a body is a measure of the content of its energy ... It is not impossible that with bodies whose content of energy is highly variable (for example radio salts) the theory can be successfully tested. If the theory corresponds to the fact, radiation conducts inertia between the bodies that emit and absorb it”. Thus, Maxwell’s theory shows that electromagnetic waves are radiated (Maxwell Radiation) whenever charges accelerate as for example for the electron. Then, this electromagnetic radiation (photons) produces decreases in the mass of the electron which is given by the formula of the Variant Mass for an Accelerated Charged Particle which was demonstrated by me at this research: Variant Mass for an Accelerated Charged Particle. For other hand, at the atom, the electron only radiates this energy when it jumps from one orbit to another orbit at the atom. It is in accordance with the experimental results from the spectral lines of the atom. The difference is that in a gravitational field the particle or a planet around the sun can take any position at the space and any radius. But, the electron at the atom only can take restricted positions which are explained by quantum mechanics, and the electrons don ́t emit radiation when they orbit around the nucleus. The discovery formula for the variant mass of the electron at the atom which describe exactly the variant mass of a charged particle at the atom which emits electromagnetic energy from one stationary level to other was demonstrated by myself a the research: The Fundament of the Mass: The Variant Mass for the electron at the atom. Besides, this is true for any type of radiation emitted: electromagnetic or gravitational energy which produce a decrease in the mass of the body. Therefore, the objective of this research is to demonstrate by theory, experiment and result the discovered formula which describe exactly the variant mass for a particle which emits gravitational energy. An example of the effect of this Gravitational energy emission is the light deflection for the light passing close the Sun (gravitational redshift frequency) and the Perihelion Precession of Mercury. Thus, the results of the mass formula are of great relevance for Gravitational Interactions. The results are in accordance with the classic result for the emission of the total gravitational energy (bond total energy) for a particle orbiting a large Planet or Sun and for a Binary Star. It is in agreement with the experiment result and with the Theory of General Relativity. It is also demonstrated and explained the effects of the gravitation in a particle or light and the Perihelion Precession of Mercury. The formula for the gravitation redshift frequency, the wavelength, the light velocity, time measurement and the decreasing radius for a particle in a gravitational field are demonstrated. The formula of the light velocity is tested for the deflection of light passing close to the sun. The formula for time dilation and decrease distance are used to calculate the Perihelion Precession of Mercury. It is in agreement with the experiment result and with the Theory of General Relativity. The consequences of this research are amazing and in accordance with the same General Theory of Relativity, Newton Theory and with profound Insignia in Quantum Mechanics and for the Unification Theory

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