
AbstractDetecting trends in hydrometerological data through the commonly used Mann-Kendall test is misleading in the presence of data autocorrelation. Autocorrelation seriously interferes with type I errors and power of trend detection. To mitigate this effect, the authors introduce a variance correction prewhitening method. It addresses two important issues that lacked appropriate attention in the past application of trend-free prewhitening method: inflationary variance of slope estimator and deflationary serial variance. After serial and slope variances correction, the new method keeps a better balance between maintaining a low type I error and a relatively strong power of trend detection. In comparison, other methods for the same purpose only address one of these two characteristics. The new method bears some resemblance to the block-bootstrap method; however, it is superior in its simplicity for implementation. Case studies reveal that uncertainties arising from autocorrelation are substantial. Applyi...

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