
Abstract This paper analyzes the quantitative changes in the number of servers of some State Careers of the federal executive branch between 2012 and 2022. Thus, they were divided into four groups of direct administration civil careers that carry out similar activities and are commonly classified as typical of the state: Public Security, Legal, Inspection, and Public Management. Based on surveys carried out by the Statistical Panel of Federal Government Personnel, it was concluded that, during the period, the careers of the selected Public Security group grew strongly (+24%) and surpassed the selected Inspection careers in number of employees (-27%), which were reduced in a similar proportion. Individually, the careers that grew the most were Federal Highway Police (34%) and Foreign Trade Analyst (78%). The careers of Tax Auditor of the Federal Revenue and Labour Tax Auditor were the ones that declined the most, losing almost a third of their active servants each (33% and 33%).

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