
AbstractThis study examines the response of tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), during the initial stages of attack, to variability in trichome density and composition on foliage of Solanum berthaultii (Hawkes) and Solanum tarijense (Hawkes) (Solanaceae). Solanum berthaultii bears two types of glandular trichome (type A and type B) that together reduced oviposition by the moth. Females were often completely deterred from ovipositing on foliage with >300 trichomes per cm2. In contrast, neonate establishment on S. berthaultii was generally positively related to trichome densities, indicating that trichomes may be a poor defense against P. operculella when the moth oviposits in soil and neonate larvae select the host plant. Solanum tarijense has only one type of glandular trichome (type A) and eglandular hairs. Most eggs were deposited on the adaxial leaf surfaces that had lower trichome densities. Although the density of type A trichomes was negatively related to oviposition, high densities of hairs on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces appeared to stimulate oviposition, leading to stronger positive relations between hair densities and oviposition. Larvae generally established on the abaxial surface where hair densities were greatest. Relationships between the abaxial densities of leaf hairs and neonate establishment on S. tarijense were positive. The results indicate that the responses by P. operculella to the types and density of trichomes are complex. Whereas type A and type B trichomes may act synergistically to reduce oviposition by the moth, leaf hairs do not defend against oviposition and neither leaf hairs nor type A and B trichomes reduce neonate establishment by this herbivore species.

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