
During wildfires and fossil fuel combustion, biomass is converted to black carbon (BC) via incomplete combustion. BC enters the ocean by rivers and atmospheric deposition contributing to the marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool. The fate of BC is considered to reside in the marine DOC pool, where the oldest BC 14C ages have been measured (>20,000 14C y), implying long-term storage. DOC is the largest exchangeable pool of organic carbon in the oceans, yet most DOC (>80%) remains molecularly uncharacterized. Here, we report 14C measurements on size-fractionated dissolved BC (DBC) obtained using benzene polycarboxylic acids as molecular tracers to constrain the sources and cycling of DBC and its contributions to refractory DOC (RDOC) in a site in the North Pacific Ocean. Our results reveal that the cycling of DBC is more dynamic and heterogeneous than previously believed though it does not comprise a single, uniformly "old" 14C age. Instead, both semilabile and refractory DBC components are distributed among size fractions of DOC. We report that DBC cycles within DOC as a component of RDOC, exhibiting turnover in the ocean on millennia timescales. DBC within the low-molecular-weight DOC pool is large, environmentally persistent and constitutes the size fraction that is responsible for long-term DBC storage. We speculate that sea surface processes, including bacterial remineralization (via the coupling of photooxidation of surface DBC and bacterial co-metabolism), sorption onto sinking particles and surface photochemical oxidation, modify DBC composition and turnover, ultimately controlling the fate of DBC and RDOC in the ocean.

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