
The purpose of the work is to study the dynamics of the live weight of reindeer of the Chukchi breed in a number of generations and in connection with the range.Matherials and methods.For comparative analysis, the live weight of slaughter deer was taken, calculated as the arithmetic mean for 10 years. The study used zootechnical information from the annual reports of reindeer farms in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug for 1974-1983 and 2009-2018.Results. 9 generations, the average live weight of females (females over 2 years old) in the whole breed changed from 90.4 kg to 92.7 kg (102.5%); adult bulls - from 118.7 kg to 123 kg (103.6%); bulls - from 77.4 kg to 80 kg (103.3%); 5-6 month old calves - from 50 to 51.8 kg (103.6%). Analysis of the data shows that the live weight of deer of the Chukchi breed is a relatively stable phenotypic trait over time. In favorable natural and climatic conditions, the live weight of deer can exceed the average annual figures by 10-11 kg, or 11.6%, which characterizes the genetic and breeding potential of the Chukchi breed. Interpopulation crossings of deer lead to a significant increase in live weight. Significant differences in the level of average live weight were found in deer populations from areas of the range that differ in ecological conditions. In reindeer herding farms whose pastures go to the Bering Sea (southern regions of the range), the live weight of the reindeer is 9-10 kg (10.4%) more in comparison with analogues grazing on the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. To level the negative impact of the external environment, deer need compensatory feeding with protein-mineral mixtures in the winter-spring period.

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