
When recorded as a compound muscle action potential (CMAP), the motor-evoked potential (MEP) is affected by volatile anesthetics and nitrous oxide. However, MEPs recorded using epidural electrodes in the presence of nitrous oxide are highly reproducible from trial to trial. We wished to establish the reproducibility over time of the CMAP produced by supramaximal transcranial electrical stimulation of the human motor cortex. Cascades of 100 successive CMAPs were recorded from the tibialis anterior muscles of six anesthetized patients undergoing scoliosis surgery, in response to transcranial electrical stimuli of > 500 V. Satisfactory CMAPs could be recorded in the presence of nitrous oxide, but not isoflurane. Latencies and amplitudes were reproducible in repeated sequences of 100 responses. However, amplitude and, to a lesser extent, latency, were highly variable within a sequence. In addition, occasional individual stimuli, although rarely successive ones, failed to evoke a CMAP. CMAPs have a much higher trial-to-trial variability than corticospinal volleys recorded from the epidural space. Using the present methodology it would be difficult to rely on CMAP recordings as an indicator of corticospinal function in the clinical monitoring situation.

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