
AbstractDue to its rusticity and feasibility of use, oat (Avena sativa L.) represents a crucial agronomic and economic resource for many semiarid environments. Presently, the recourse to new commercial varieties has caused a dramatic lowering of areas covered with the traditional local genotypes, and a severe risk of genetic erosion is emerging. To deepen the knowledge about the autochthonous oat populations, an activity of collection and cataloging across semiarid cropping areas was carried out. Sixteen oat populations were collected from different areas of Sicily and put in a field study for two consecutive years (2014 and 2015) in the experimental farm “Sparacia” (Cammarata, Italy). In both years and all populations, 21 morphological characters, related to different aspects of the whole plant or plant parts, were measured as described in the guidelines Community Plant Variety Office—Office Communautaire des Varietes Vegetales (CPVO‐OCVV) (rif. CPVO‐TP/020/2). Multivariate analysis (MA) was applied to assess the similarity/dissimilarity level among populations, also evaluating the relative discriminatory importance of each selected plant character. Although a strong variability between years did not allow perfect discrimination among genotypes, an association between oat groups emerged based on their prevalent utilization form. Among categorical characters, measurements on glumes and grain provided the best characterization of the populations in both years.

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