
view Abstract Citations (52) References (40) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Variability of Accretion Disks Surrounding Black Holes: The Role of Inertial-Acoustic Mode Instabilities Chen, Xingming ; Taam, Ronald E. Abstract The global nonlinear time-dependent evolution of the inertial-acoustic mode instability in accretion disks surrounding black holes has been investigated. The viscous stress is assumed to be proportional to the gas pressure only, i.e.\,, $\tau = - \alpha p_g$. It is found that an oscillatory instability exists in the inner regions of disks ($r < 10 r_g$, where $r_g$ is the Schwarzschild radius) for sufficiently large $\alpha$ ($\gapprox 0.2$), and for mass accretion rates less than about 0.3 times the Eddington value. The variations of the integrated bolometric luminosity from the disk, $\Delta L/L$, are less than 3\%. A power spectrum analysis of these variations reveals a power spectrum which can be fit to a power law function of the frequency $P \propto f^{-\gamma}$, with index $\gamma \sim 1.4-2.3$ and a low frequency feature at about 4 Hz in one case. In addition, a narrow peak centered at a frequency corresponding to the maximum epicyclic frequency of the disk at $\sim 100-130$ Hz and its first harmonic is also seen. The low frequency modulations are remarkably similar to those observed in black hole candidate systems. The possible existence of a scattering corona in the inner region of the disk and/or to other processes contributing to the power at high frequencies in the inner region of the accretion disk may make the detection of the high frequency component difficult. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: March 1995 DOI: 10.1086/175360 arXiv: arXiv:astro-ph/9409019 Bibcode: 1995ApJ...441..354C Keywords: Accretion Disks; Acoustic Instability; Black Holes (Astronomy); Nonlinearity; Time Dependence; Astronomical Models; Numerical Analysis; Power Spectra; Astrophysics; ACCRETION; ACCRETION DISKS; BLACK HOLE PHYSICS; Astrophysics E-Print: Submitted to ApJ, June 1994. PS file, 20 Pages full text sources arXiv | ADS | data products SIMBAD (2)

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