
The reuse of design in the software product line (SPL) domain brings many benefits because it permits a clear understanding of the SPL. These SPL contain a set of common elements and a set of variable elements known as features. One of the main difficulties for representing SPL design is the variability. In order to express the variability in a SPL design and to reinforce its comprehension, it is necessary to define a design language that aims to model SPL and to distinguish the commonalities and variability. Accordingly, we present in this paper a new profile containing UML extension named SPL-UML that offers extended diagrams enriched by the information extracted from the feature models which lets us differentiate between the common points and variabilities of the SPL. The coherence between the proposed extensions is then ensured by OCL (Object Constraint Language) constraints. Finally, the UML extensions are illustrated using an example of TextEditing System.

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