
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) is a source of several bioactive triterpenoids, however, only azadirachtins have been commercially exploited. Salanin and nimbin are the other major active potential bioactive compounds that can be used for product development as well as markers for selection and improvement of neem. Thirty-three provenances, and individual trees from three locations from different agro-climatic zones of India were examined to assess quantitative variations. Nimbin and salanin were quantified using RP-analytical HPLC. Elite individuals with exceptionally higher salanin and nimbin content were identified. There were wide variations in seed area, oil content, nimbin and salanin concentrations among different provenances and also between individual trees of a particular provenance. Nimbin concentration ranged from 18.2 to 636.8 mg kg −1, whereas salanin was in the range of 45.4–1830.3 mg kg −1 kernel weight. Analysis of variance for seed area, oil content, nimbin and salanin among various neem provenances showed significant differences in oil content, nimbin and salanin. Correlation coefficients among the parameters investigated showed nimbin and salanin as significantly correlated. Nimbin and salanin content also varied between individual trees of a particular location. The study shows that nimbin or salanin synthesis did not appear to be influenced by environmental conditions as individual trees from the same agro-climatic zone showed different trends. It can be concluded that there are individual genetic differences among neem trees. This provides an ample scope for tree improvement by half-sib progeny trials followed by clonal propagation.

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