
Introduction. Nowadays the language of modern television broadcasts’ speechesis more and more in the focus of linguistic study. Special interest of given paper is comprisedby the variability in gender categorization of nouns as it occurs in speeches of Ukrainian TVprograms anchorpersons. The object of the paper is the choice of nouns in modern TV speech,that is distinguished due to the variability of grammatical category of the gender of nouns waysof realization.Purpose of the article is to analyze the nouns that have suffered changes in thegrammatical category of gender within the current language trends being implemented inthe broadcast of Ukrainian television. In addition, the aim is to outline some of the reasonsfor the emergence of such tendencies, the relative use of these nouns, the degree of codificationin modern lexicographic sources.Methods of research. The research is grounded on descriptive method, the method ofempiric analysis, immediate constituents’ analysis, and contextual analysis.Results. Studying the language used in contemporary Ukrainian TV speeches convincinglydemonstrated how formal-grammatical indicators of the category of gender of nouns in moderntelecommunication vary (shift), implemented in the following modifications: male genius  femalegenus, female genus  male genus. In addition, the review of codification in the dictionariesof the analyzed noun units shows that variational changes in the morphology of the noun andin particular, in its morphological and grammatical categories nowadays cause not onlythe dislocation of the current linguistic norm, but also tend to change the morphological norms. Conclusion. Analyzing the language used in speeches of informative and entertainingUkrainian TV programs’ anchorpersons, we have concluded that they prefer to choose differentgrammatical variations in favor of a specific counterpart to the grammatical category of the gender,often a revitalized or dialectal word used.

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