
Predator species and body size represent critical factors that have differential effects on prey populations, as well as overall community structure. However, investigations of how morphologically-similar predator species, simultaneous to variation in predator body size, influence lower trophic levels are infrequently performed. We tested whether predator species and body size influenced the functional response curve of three larval ambystomatid salamanders (Ringed Salamander, Ambystoma annulatum Cope, 1886; Spotted Salamander, Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw, 1802); Marbled Salamander, Ambystoma opacum (Gravenhorst, 1807)) while eating congeneric prey. We combined larval salamanders of varying body sizes with up to six prey densities within experimental microcosms. We tested for the shape of the functional response curve and obtained parameter estimates for attack rate and handling time for each predator size – species combination. We found variability among both species and size classes, with a combination of type I and type II functional response curves. Large size classes of predators had higher attack rates than smaller size classes, but equivalently-sized larvae of different species exhibited differences in attack rates and handling time. Our study shows that predation risk varies depending on the size structure and diversity of predators present in a food web, and that grouping predators by either species or size class may reduce the ability to predict changes in community structure resulting from such interactions.

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