
Currently, globalization presents mankind with positive changes and such processes that the countries of the world can't solve any problems alone, that is, all peoples have to solve the emerging problems together. Globalization initially penetrated the economic life of countries, but now it affects politics, spirituality, and even ordinary daily processes of people. This process is an objective reality that occurred at a certain stage of the development of nations, and it did not appear by the will of any individual or state. However, this objective process is now turning into a negative point of view when one country conflicts with the interests of other countries for its hegemony, political power, and economic stability, and this causes them to be deprivedof the positive aspects of this process, for example, based on the research of the French scientist T. Fabre, “at the end of the 20th century, 20% of the richest countries accounted for 86% of global GDP, 82% of exports, and 68% of investments, while 20% of the poorest countries accounted for all three indicators are within one per cent”[1].

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