
The aim and tasks of the study. The objective of our study was to determine the variability of valuable economic features in spring barley cultivars and to evaluate correlations between them.Material and methods. The study was carried out in the Plant Production Institute named after VYaYuriev of NAAS in 2006–2016. Eight barley spring cultivarsbred in the Plant Production Institute nd. aVYaYurievNAAS and at the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute were taken as starting material. The experiments were laid out in variety trial nurseries; the plot area was 10 m2. Statistical processing was carried out as BA Dospekhov described [30], using the programs STATISTICA 10 and Excel. The fulfillment of the yield potential was determined by ED Nettevich [31].Results and discussion. The multi-year study found that the yield (V = 22.45–35.94 %) variations were the greatest, protein content (V = 11.65–16.25) – was medium depending on growing conditions. The lowest variability in the yield was recorded for cultivars Parnas (V = 22,45 %), Іnkliuziv (V = 24,22 %) and Vzirets (V = 25.51%).The variation in the 1000-grain weight was low (V = 6.56–9.43%), that is, the genotype effect on this feature is stronger than on the two previous ones. This is also evidenced by high fulfillment of the cultivar potentials for the 1000-grain weight (85–93%).A general pattern in the correlation between the studied features was established. Thus, for all the cultivars negative significant correlations were found between the yield capacity and the protein content (r = -0.613 – -0.720), which is consistent with other researchers' results. 37–52% of the protein content is determined by the yield level. The 1000-grain weight positively (though insignificantly) correlates with the yield and negatively with the protein content.Comparison of the maximum and average yield of cultivars over the 11-year period showed that fulfillment of the yield potential varied from 59% (Vakula) to 68–70% (Vzirets, Badioryi, Inkliuziv), depending on growing conditions.Conclusions. General patterns of variability in economic features in spring barley cultivars, depending on growing conditions, were established. Cultivars with the lowest variability in yield were detected (Parnas, Inkliuziv and Vzirets). Cultivar Vzirets to the fullest extent possible fulfills its potential for yield and 1000-grain weight. The cultivars selected as the best ones in this study can be used in breeding as starting material or as references for these traits. In addition, the study results should be taken into account in industrial disposition of cultivars


  • Реалізація потенціалу врожайності в залежності від умов є різною

  • The multi-year study found that the yield

  • medium depending on growing conditions

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Васько Н.І., Козаченко М.Р., Наумов О.Г., Солонечний П.М., Важеніна О.Є., Солонечна О.В., Зимогляд О.В. Юр′єва НААН при вивченні дев′яти сортів ячменю ярого встановлено невисоку варіабельність маси 1000 зерен в залежності від умов вирощування, коефіцієнт варіації складав 2,68–3,25 % [15]. Також у результаті багаторічних досліджень (2006–2016 рр.) 16 сортів ячменю було встановлено, що врожайність та маса 1000 зерен значною мірою залежать від умов вирощування, а слабка кореляція між ними визначається сортовими особливостями [16]. Установив, що вміст білка та врожайність залежать від умов вирощування, при цьому переважна кількість вивчених сортів ячменю (13 із 16) сильно реагували на погодні умови мінливістю маси 1000 зерен, коефіцієнт регресії складав 1,41–1,86 [28]. Бадьорий 9,37** 15,11** 10,82 13,42 15,57 13,28 14,61 15,32 13,88* 12,40 12,10 13,26 14,78

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Material and methods
Results and discussion
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