
In this article, we studied the extension of Standard Model (SM) to scrutinize the phenomenology of type-II seesaw mechanism with the inclusion of two Higgs doublets, three scalar triplets and one scalar singlets additionally invoked with \(\varDelta (27)\) flavor discrete symmetry, which helps to explain the non-zero neutrino masses and mixings, matter-antimatter asymmetry and lepton flavor violation. Here, we have investigated the detailed numerical analysis of neutrino oscillation data like non-zero reactor mixing angle, \(\delta _{CP}\), the sum of the light neutrino masses, two mass squared differences and its implication to neutrino-less double beta decay. We also discuss on the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe through leptogenesis with the decay of TeV scale scalar triplets and variation of CP-asymmetry with input model parameters. Finally, we comment on implication to lepton flavor violating decays like \(\mu \rightarrow e \gamma , \mu \rightarrow 3e\) processes.

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