
In order to extend previous studies of vapcr pressure of isotopic liquids in a wider temperature range, a new cryostat was butlt. The single stage separation factor alpha of the isotopic pairs Ar/sup 36/- Ar/sup 40/ and Ne/sup 20/- Ne/sup 22/ was measured up to a vapor pressure of 12 atmospheres using natural isotopic mixtures. The logarithum of the vapor pressure ratio of the pure isotopes was derived from a and found to be linearly dependent on I/T: In (p36)/p40) = 1.31(1/T)-8.95 x l0/sup -3/ for argon from 83 to 120 tained K, and in (p20/p22) = 2.510(1/-T)--5.673 x 10/sup -2/ for neon from 25 to 40 tained K. A brief discussion of the results is given. (auth) 1962l The effects of various developers on the transverse dimensions of ion tracks of He, C, N, O, Ne, and Ar in ionographic emulsions G-5, C-2, and L-4 were studied. The discrimination of heavy-ion tracks by their transverse dimension is dependent on this effect which is very great for ordinary developers (amidol, II) 19). A development regulation by measurement of the width of alpha tracks is proposed. The difficulty of using a simple correction factor which accounts for the effects of developmentmore » is pointed out. (tr-auth)« less

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