
The purpose of this exchange was to explore the domains of values, moral reasoning, and ethics. Values and moral reasoning reflect the "is." Moral reasoning is the mental process that nurses set in motion to come to some decision of right or wrong in any moral dilemma. Values are motivational preferences or dispositions. Moral values are those preferences that are integral to any moral reasoning process. Ethics reflect the oughts. It is the art-science that critically evaluates the "is." As such, ethics identifies the norms or standards of behaviors that either are or can become the values that are implemented through moral reasoning. Nursing is just beginning to identify its moral values and reasoning. Nevertheless, nursing seems to be further along in the identification of the "is" than it is with the "ought." The further development of nursing ethics will be of great benefit to nurse researchers and educators. The greatest benefit will be, however, to the practicing nurse as she/he struggles with giving excellent nursing care consistent with a positive nursing ethic.

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