
Preface. Acknowledgements. Chapter 1: HOW PROJECT MANAGEMENT HAS CHANGED. Why Traditional Project Management May Not Work. Today's View of Project Management. Changing Views of Project Management. Recognizing the Need for Change. Chapter 2: CHANGING OUR DEFINITION OF PROJECT SUCCESS. Changing Times. Not Meeting the Triple Constraint. Defining Project and Program Success. Redefining the Triple Constraint Success Criteria. Definition of Success. Chapter 3: THE IMPORTANCE OF VALUE. Success. Types of Value. Return on Investment (ROI). Types of Business Values. Changing Values. Chapter 4: THE STAKEHOLDERS: VIEW OF VALUE. Stakeholder Perception. Classification of Stakeholders. The Sydney, Australia Opera House. Apple's Lisa Computer. Denver International Airport. Balancing Stakeholder's Needs. Traditional Conflicts over Values. Project Management Value Conflicts. Value Perceptions within a Project. Chapter 5: THE COMPONENTS OF SUCCESS. Four Cornerstones of Success. Categories of Success. Categories of Values. Deciding on the Quadrant. Internal Values. Financial Values. Future Values. Customer-Related Values. Reasons for Internal Value Failure. Reasons for Financial Value Failure. Reasons for Future Value failure. Reasons for Customer-Related Value Failure. Antares Solutions. General Electric (Plastics Group). Asea, Brown & Boveri (ABB). Westfield Group. Computer Associates Technology Services. Convergent Computing. Motorola. Automotive Suppliers Sector. Banking Sector. Commodity Products (Manu.) Sector. Large Companies. Small Companies. Chapter 6: SUCCESS AND BEST PRACTICES. From Values to Best Practices (BP). Two Components of Success. Redefining Value Metrics (CSF & KPI). The Need for Changing Metrics. Project Management Office Involvement. Discovery of Best Practices. The Debriefing Pyramid. Disclosure of Best Practices. Levels of Success in Obtaining Values. Project Management Knowledge. Project Management Benchmarking. Sharing Values during Benchmarking. Intellectual Property Cost versus Value. Implementation Failures. Chapter 7: THE VALUE CONTINUUM. The Timing of Values. The Value Continuum. Barriers along the Continuum. Activities to Speed Up the Value Continuum. The Value Continuum and the PMMM. Value Management Life Cycle Phases. Value Identification Phase: Business Case. Business Drivers Phase: Business Drivers. Measurement Phase: KPI. Value Realization Phase: Value (Benefits). Customer Satisfaction Management Phase: Continuous Improvement. Chapter 8: ASSIGNING VALUE THROUGH OBJECTICES. Types of Performance Reports. Benefits and Value at Completion. Determining Benefits (Value) at Completion. Establishing the Business Objectives. Estimating Approaches. Project Plans. Business Plans. Cancelling Projects. Marrying Project Management and Program Management. Chapter 9: VALUE LEADERSHIP AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT. The Evolution of Leadership. Measurements and Triggers. What do Executives want to Hear? Critical Issue for the Selling Process. Threats that Executives Face. Project Management Success versus Maturity. Conclusions. Index.

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