
Four cases of Pentalogy of Cantrell were diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography and confirmed by autopsy after labor induction. There were 1 case of complete Pentalogy of Cantrell and 3 cases of incomplete Pentalogy. In 3 cases of incomplete Pentalogy of Cantrell, 1 case presented with high umbilical cord prolapse, extraspectoral heart, partial defect of the lower part of the sternum, partial defect of the pericardium, single umbilical artery and cervical lymphatic cyst; 1 case presented with high umbilical cord prolapse, extraspectoral heart, thoracic fissure and ventricular septal defect; and 1 case presented with umbilical cord, extraspectoral heart, partial inferior sternal segment defect, ventricular septal defect and bilateral clubfoot varus. In 1 case of complete Pentalogy of Cantrell, there were high umbilical cord bulge, extraspectoral heart, chest fissure and inferior segment defect, anterior diaphragm and pericardium defect, total forebrain deformity, right 12th ribs loss and ventricular septal defect. Ectopic heart and omphalocele are typical echographic features of Pentalogy of Cantrel and prenatal ultrasonography is of important value in early diagnosis of this congenital malformation. Key words: Ultrasonography, prenatal; Pentalogy of Cantrell

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