
The following preliminary statement is based on studies which have been in progress at intervals for over 3 years. Fourteen normal dogs varying in age from one year and 2 months to animals in their sixth year have been used for experimental purposes. Under morphine-ether anesthesia the abdomen was entered through a left rectus muscle-splitting incision and the left kidney exposed. The kidney was delivered from its bed of perirenal fat, the capsule incised down to the cortical substance over the length of the kidney's outer convex border including the poles. The renal vessels were digitally compressed by an assistant. The cortex was then incised for distances in the respective kidneys varying from 3-8 cm, the incision extending through the cortex and into the medullary substance, but not sufficiently deep to penetrate into the pelvis of the kidney. Into such incisions the omentum was introduced and the cortical incision closed with fine, interrupted chromic cat gut sutures. Those sutures passing through th...

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