
Development of digital technologies and virtualization of business have caused blurring of the boundaries between enterprises whereas processes implemented therein have merged them into supra-organizational systems wherein participation in value-added creation becomes a prevailing, and in fact the only link. Thus, business value creation management and virtualization thereof is an essential instrument to achieve competitive advantage, participate in broadly-understood business processes and creation or acquisition of values in business. The aim of the paper is to indicate areas of value adding and potential benefits from competition and cooperation among enterprises in cross-organisational networks, creation, capture and retention of value generated in networks, use of modern technologies and IT solutions in management. Hypothesis: Support for network cooperation with modern information technologies increases the potential of generating value of cooperating enterprises. To verify the hypothesis, the method of problem analysis in the subject literature was used. The author’s point of view in the study is that virtualization of value creation processes is directly associated with implementation of computer technologies into business, development of communication networks intended to improve relationships between people inside and outside the company, rapports with customers and building business architecture in cyberspace. Inter-organizational networks form a specific environment of competition and cooperation. It may be used for implementation of joint business projects, yet, the usage depends on the network structure, ease of access and safety. Partners and network participants wishing to cooperate in future have a variety of resources to offer, of which know-how and intellectual capital are currently the most valuable and desirable assets. Sharing the know-how is associated with using it in processes/products and generating added value. On the other hand, it also requires some actions necessary to protect intellectual property.

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