
Data-centric B2B platforms are platforms where multiple B2B users relate and manage data for creating value. Despite the growing academic and industrial interest in these platforms, the existing research does not adequately investigate (i) who are the sides managing data within data-centric B2B platforms, (ii) what activities they perform to manage data within data-centric B2B platforms, and (iii) how their relationships aimed are governed within data-centric B2B platforms. Consequently, how data-centric B2B platforms create value (i.e., who they involve, what activities they allow to do, and how they manage sides' relationships) remains unclear. To address this gap, this paper analyzes the cases of three data-centric B2B platforms (i.e., MindSphere, Skywise, Open-es). Authors (i) categorize the sides managing data on these platforms (i.e., clients, providers, enablers), (ii) identify how these sides relate to perform data acquisition and manipulation activities, and (iii) illustrate the specific governance mechanisms supporting these relationships. Finally, a model discusses the goals, the transactional and innovation behaviors, and value creation mechanisms in data-centric B2B platforms. By adopting a value creation perspective of data-centric B2B platforms, this paper contributes to both theoretical and managerial debates surrounding B2B platforms.

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