
Orthopaedic surgical residents from an academic program with a Level I trauma center were queried during 2019 to 2022 regarding suggestions for cost containment opportunities. Based on feasibility and the estimated impact, 7 responses were selected to undergo cost-saving analyses. The proposed initiatives fell into 2 categories: minimizing waste and optimizing patient care. Eliminating nonessential physical therapy/occupational therapy consults led to the greatest estimated savings ($8.6M charges/year), followed by conserving reusable drill bits ($2.2M/year) and reducing computed tomography scans on lower extremity injuries ($446K/year). Current medical training provides limited formal education on cost-effective care. Efforts to mitigate the growing financial and environmental costs of health care should include encouraging and incorporating resident feedback into cost reduction strategies. This tactic will likely have a positive impact on the behavior of such resident surgeons as they enter practice and have more awareness of costs and value. V (cost-minimization study).

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