
ABSTRACT This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of diverse moral and value-based frameworks within the context of peace education. The selected schools represent three distinct ideological orientations: secular and faith-neutral (Roots Millennium School System/RMS), faith-inspired (International Islamic University School-IIUI School System), and faith-based Deobandi Madrassa (Jamia’ Faridiyya Islamabad). Employing a comparative case study approach, the research endeavors to address several key research questions: What religious or moral-ethical philosophies underlie the distinct moral frameworks of each school system? How have these schools developed formal and informal strategies to translate these philosophies into practical implementation? To what extent are these frameworks influenced by specific religious worldviews and responsive to challenges in political, economic, or cultural spheres? What dimensions of peace education are encompassed within these values-based frameworks? The findings of the study reveal that all three types of schools possess the potential to foster peace education. However, each school employs a unique approach based on its underlying ethical framework. This study underscores the importance of considering the ethical frameworks of educational institutions when devising peace education programs and policies. Furthermore, it emphasizes the significance of cultivating an inclusive and diverse learning environment that nurtures respect for varying moral frameworks and cultivates critical thinking concerning ethical dilemmas.

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