
Beef floss is a complementary food that is very popular with the community. The technology of making beef floss is increasingly varied following the trend of public demand. The problem faced by the household industry that produces beef floss is the high cost of production. Steps to use fiber-rich food sources can be used as a solution to increase the quantity of beef floss production without damaging quality. This research purpose to analyze the value added utilization of fiber-rich materials papaya fruit and banana blossom’s as fillers for beef floss production. The method used in this study is the observation method in the Karya Sejahtera Women’s Farmer Group. Analysis of the data used is an analysis of the value added approach of Hayami. The results showed that the added value created from the processing of beef floss with fillers of papaya fruit provides higher added value compared to the banana blossom’s which is Rp 153,000 / kg value-added ratio to the value of the product of 51% and profit Rp 180,000 / kg with the profit rate of 76%. The value of the profits obtained from the production of beef floss with papaya fruit fillers is higher than the banana floss and original.

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