
This study aims to identify the problems and find the economic value of mangrove forest restoration program utilization of village Pasarbanggi Rembang. The research of using the DPSIR analysis and cost-benefit analysis methods which include Net Present Value (NPV), Interest Rate of Return (IRR), Net B/C Ratio, and Payback Period. DPSIR analysis results known that human activity is divided into two types, namely constructive and destructive. constructive activity derives from the awareness of local people who have had a positive outlook towards the sustainability of mangrove resources and desire to contribute to conservation. More destructive activity resulting from external factor. The results of the cost-benefit analysis method shows that the NPV is obtained by using the discount factor of 9% amounting to IDR 4.990.339.459- with an IRR of 16.73%, Net B/C Ratio of 1.77 with the returns can be achieved after 8 years 9 the moon. The value of mangrove forest to reviewed by value to the option with the highest biodiversity of mangrove forests is IDR 12.328.200- per year.

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