
Eden 100 Forest Park is an ecotourism area that has the potential of natural resources that can be used as tourist attractions. Forest Park Eden 100 also provides environmental services such as hydrological forest services, forest services as carbon sinks, and forest services in producing timber and non-timber goods. This study aims to find out what environmental services are provided by the Eden 100 forest and to analyze the economic value of environmental services and the obstacles and challenges faced by managers in efforts to preserve forest ecosystems.
 The results showed that the Eden 100 Forest Park provides environmental services in the form of direct use environmental services, namely wood production with economic value of the economic value of wood production of Rp 7,822,633,800 and non-wood (fruits) of Rp 25,500,000, non-use value directly in the form of natural landscapes (ecotourism) whose value is calculated using the travel cost method (TCM) and a yield of Rp 1,164,181,800 is obtained, non-use value in the form of existence services whose economic value is calculated using the contingent valuation method (CVM) of Rp.60,158,120 , as a carbon sink value which is calculated using the allometric method, and a yield of Rp. 18,161,220,000 is obtained. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the total economic value of the Eden 100 Forest is Rp. 27,233,693,720. This proves that the existence of the Eden 100 forest is a very big economic benefit if its sustainability is maintained because it can absorb carbon which gives a great economic value. Efforts to manage and preserve Eden Forest Park 100 as a tourist attraction have been carried out in an integrated manner with the government, private sector and local communities, but need to be increased so that forests can provide environmental services in a sustainable manner.


  • Eden 100 Forest Park in the village of Lumban Julu is an ecotourism area that has a potential for natural resources that can be used as a tourist attraction

  • This study aims to determine which environmental services are provided by Taman Eden 100 forest tourism and analyze the economic value of environmental services, as well as the obstacles and challenges faced by managers to preserve forest ecosystems

  • The results showed that the Taman Eden 100 tourism forest provides environmental services in the form of direct use of environmental services, namely production of wood and non-timber products (fruits), indirect use services in the form of natural landscapes can be used as ecotourism, services not related to services such as carbon sinks

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Hutan sebagai salah satu sumber daya alam terbaharukan, memiliki peran penting dalam menopang kehidupan manusia, tempat berkembangbiak flora dan fauna serta organisme lain. Hutan juga menyediakan barang dan jasa, baik berupa manfaat langsung seperti kayu dan hasil hutan bukan kayu, maupun tidak langsung seperti jasa lingkungan yang dalam pemanfaatannya dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan ekonomi, sosial-budaya, dan perlindungan ekologis. Ekowisata merupakan salah satu bentuk penyediaan jasa lingkungan berupa keindahan bentang alam dan merupakan kebijaksanaan pembangunan di bidang kehutanan yang didasarkan atas asas manfaat dan lestari serta konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya. Hutan wisata Taman Eden 100 merupakan hutan kawasan ekowisata yang masih berada di kawasan Danau Toba. Tidak hanya memproduksi hasil hutan seperti buah buahan, dan penyedia keindahan bentang alam, hutan Taman Eden 100 ini juga berkontribusi dalam menyediakan jasa lingkungan berupa penyerapan karbon lewat vegetasi yang ada di hutan Taman Eden. Barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan ekosistem hutan baik hasil hutan berupa buah-buahan, penyedia keindahan bentang alam, dan juga penyerapan karbon sangat penting di valuasi untuk pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya suatu valuasi jasa lingkungan untuk memberi nilai (value) terhadap jasa lingkungan ekosistem hutan terhadap hutan Taman Eden 100

Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian
Prosedur Penelitian
Analisis Data
Variabel Penelitian
Instrumen Penelitian
Analisis deskriptif
Analisis kuantitatif
Gambaran Penelitian
Karakteristik Wisatawan
Nilai Ekonomi Kayu dan Non Kayu
Nilai Ekonomi Penyerapan Karbon Hutan Wisata Taman Eden 100
Kendala dan Tantangan
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