
The purpose of this study is to calculate the economic valuation of mangrove ecosystems, as well as their contribution to the community in Mukomuko City, Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province. This research was conducted by survey methods and using primary and secondary data. Primary data collection is done by observation and interview methods. The research respondents were determined by purposive sampling. Data analysis with qualitative descriptive method. The method of economic valuation was applied to estimate Total Economic Valuation (TEV) based on the total direct use value, indirect use value, option value, and existence value. Mangrove ecosystem in Mukomuko City is found in 3 locations (Bandar Ratu Village, Ujung Padang Village, and Pasar Mukomuko Village) with a total area of ± 121.14 ha. The composition of mangrove vegetation found in Mukomuko City consists of 4 true mangrove species and 1 non-mangrove species. The calculation results show that the TEV of the mangrove ecosystem in Mukomuko City is Rp. 7,135,622,252.76 per year or Rp. 58,903,931.41 per ha per year. Total Economic Value of the mangrove ecosystem in Mukomuko City consists of the direct use value of Rp. 732,600,000,- or Rp. 6,047,548.29,- per year; the indirect use value of Rp. 2,445,468,722.76,- or Rp. 20,187,128.30 per hectare per year; option value Rp. 25,984,530,- per year; existence value Rp. 3,858,309,000,- per year or Rp. 31,850,000 per hectare per year; and bequest value Rp. 73,260,000,- or Rp. 604,754.83 per hectare. The biggest use-value is the existing value, which is 54.07%, while the direct value only 10.22%.


  • Mukomuko, juga menjadi sumber mata pencaharian masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan potensi sumberdaya yang ada pada ekosistem mangrove tersebut

  • The purpose of this study is to calculate the economic valuation of mangrove ecosystems

  • This research was conducted by survey methods

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Rokok Nipah

Kegiatan penangkapan ikan yang dilakukan oleh nelayan Kota Mukomuko pada wilayah ekosistem mangrove menggunakan alat tangkap berupa jaring insang dan pancing. Dengan nilai bangunan Rp. 1.500.000,- per m3, maka total nilai yang diberikan oleh keberadaan ekosistem mangrove di Kota Mukomuko sebagai penahan abrasi dan banjir adalah. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai manfaat tidak langsung ekosistem mangrove sebagai penahah abrasi dan banjir di Kota Mukomuko, Kabupaten Mukomuko. Berdasarkan pendekatan hasil penelitian Soekarjo (1995) dalam Mayudin (2012), maka dapat diketahui kandungan unsur hara produksi serasah ekosistem mangrove di Kota Mukomuko adalah Nitrogen 2,94 kg/ha setara dengan 6,53 kg pupuk urea dan Posfor 3.04 kg per hektar yang setara dengan 8.44 kg pupuk SP-36. Berdasarkan luas ekosistem mangrove di Kota Mukomuko Kabupaten Mukomuko 121,14 hektar, maka dapat diketahui nilai manfaat pilihan yang diperoleh dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut: 121,1 hektar x 15 USD x Rp. 14.300,- = Rp. 25.984.530,per tahun.

Framework and Methods for Coastal
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