
To elucidate the relationship between glutamatergic current and vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) expressions, we performed the comparative analyses of evoked potentials and VGLUT immunoreactivities in the dentate gyrus, and its response to antiepileptic drug treatments in a gerbil model. The EPSP slope that could be evoked in seizure sensitive (SS) gerbils was significantly greater than in seizure resistant (SR) gerbils. There was also a strong trend towards the larger population spike amplitude in SS gerbils. In addition, VGLUT immunoreactivities were markedly enhanced in the dentate gyrus of SS gerbils, as compared with the SR gerbils. Following valproic acid (VPA, 30 mg/kg), the population spike amplitude and the EPSP slope in response to the stimulus were markedly reduced in the dentate gyri both of SR and of SS gerbils, although this dosage of VPA had no effect in low stimulus currents in SS gerbils. Vigabatrin (VGB) and low dosage of VPA treatment did not affect the evoked responses. Similarly, VPA treatment reduced enhanced VGLUT immunoreactivities in the dentate gyrus of SS gerbils, whilst VGB did not. These findings suggest that up-regulation of VGLUT immunoreactivities may be related to the hyperexcitability of granule cells in SS gerbils, and altered VGLUT immunoreactivity in the dentate gyrus may be independent of GABAergic transmission.

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