
Being very close to nature, tribal people extensively use non-cultivated naturally found plants for their alternative source of nutrition. The present study conducted for documenting the available wild edible plants used by tribal people located in the districts of Purulia, West Midnapur and Bankura. Using wild edible plant is economical, nutrient rich and promotes sustainable utilization. The ethnobotanical study surveyed the knowledgeable informants of the tribal population and found 27 plants that are majorly used for alternative source of nutrition. Different parts like leaves, stem, flower, fruit, tuber etc. are used as food sources. Apart from food source, the tribal people also earn their livelihood by selling these plants in the local market. However, the present generation of the tribal population is not very interested in acquiring the knowledge of these non-cultivated plants therefore documentation of the use of these plants becoming very important for future.

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