
In December of 1777, George Wash inton and his Continental Army marched into Valley Forge to camp for the remaining winter months. It was a difficult time for the Americans. They had just been defeated at the Battle of Brandywine and the British occupied the new nation's capi tal only eighteen miles to the southeast at Philadelphia (1). Why did Washington choose Valley Forge? Was it a safe haven from the British? Was it an appropriate site to shelter battered troops from the bitterly cold winter? In order to fully understand this event, it is important to examine Valley Forge from a geographic per spective and not simply as the place the Continental Army spent a harsh winter. Unfortunately, to many edu cators and students the geographic perspective means placing a dot on a map locating Valley Forge. Forgot ten are key geographic components essential to analyzing historical im plications of Washington's decision to use Valley Forge as the winter campsite for his troops.

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