
Experiments were designed to investigate the effect of feeding diets deficient in one or more of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) on the performance of 3-wk-old male broilers. In the first experiment, levels of .96 and 1.46% Leu, .52 and .82% Ile, and .65 and .95% Val were used. Feeding the lowest combination of the three BCAA resulted in weight gain (WG) and feed conversion ratio (FC) of 344 g and 1.59 g:g, respectively. These parameters were not improved by adding dietary increments of the three BCAA individually. The greatest response, however, for both WG (435 g) and FC (1.41 g:g) was obtained by the addition of the three BCAA simultaneously. Chicks fed the low-Val diets in combinations with added levels of Ile and Leu exhibited feather and leg abnormalities.A second experiment was designed to investigate the effect of Val deficiency on feather protein, feather amino acids, and calcium content of the bone. Three treatments were used: a BCAA-deficient diet with .96% Leu, .52% Ile, and .63% Val; a Val-deficient diet, which contained 1.37, .82, and .63% of Leu, Ile, and Val, respectively; and a Val-supplemented diet, which was the same as the previous diets except that the Val content was .83%. Valine deficiency significantly decreased WG (243 g), FC (1.69 g:g), bone calcium (134 mg/g dry bone), and feather protein (82.7% of wet weight). Valine deficiency also decreased the level of Cys in feathers, but increased those of Asp, Glu, Met, Tyr, His, and Lys. The results indicated that reducing the level of dietary Val alone was more detrimental than reducing the three BCAA simultaneously.

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